Protect Your Church with Our Legal Health Check-Up Series Learn More

Putting Together a Safety Plan

Posted Jul. 1, 2024

An overwhelming majority of churches who responded to recent surveys admitted that they have no safety or security plan. Despite the numerous tragic incidents reported in the news in recent years, many regular churchgoers still have not thought of church safety, and others still have a this-will-never-happen-to-us mindset. Some even insist on ignoring practical safety measures because they just need to have faith that God will take care of them.

Church Emergency Response

Posted Jun. 1, 2024

A guide to protecting the people in your ministry before, during, and after an emergency

Plagiarism Copyright Ministry

Posted May. 1, 2024

In recent years, major media outlets have brought attention to the seemingly widespread practice of pastoral plagiarism and copyright violations within churches.

NCLL Church Security and Safety Set

Posted Jan. 3, 2020

Today, an alarming number of churches have no safety/security ministry. If your church is still vulnerable, don’t worry, but DO act. Our training materials and seminars will help your church prepare against potential dangers and respond to emergencies. This set of resources will help you develop a safety program tailored to your congregation.

REPOST: Sunday Morning: What do you look for?

Posted Nov. 4, 2019

Make your church safer on Sunday mornings. Download your free guide on what to look for during the holidays. As Christmas approaches, you’ll probably notice visitors. Your congregants also experience greater stress this time of year. Here’s a wonderful opportunity to share the light of Christ . . . and exercise wisdom. “If you knew what I know about terrorism, you’d never leave your house.” – Gen. John Kelly This busy holiday season, protect your visitors, congregants, and team. Download your free NCLL security resource Sunday Morning: What Do You Look For?

Social Media and Electronic Communications: Policy Guidelines for Churches

Posted Oct. 8, 2019

Navigate the pitfalls of social media and electronic communications without abandoning powerful ways of sharing the Gospel and ministering to your congregation and community! Download your complimentary copy of the NCLL’s monthly resource Social Media and Electronic Communications: Policy Guidelines for Churches.

The Vacant Pulpit: 8 Guidelines for Finding Your Next Pastor

Posted Sep. 13, 2019

Your church is uniquely called to fulfill a particular mission, and leadership transitions can be thorny or fruitful. Leaders can help advance an organization—or damage it, sometimes beyond recovery.

Faith in the Workplace: Legal Guidelines for Employers and Employees

Posted Jun. 24, 2019

Your conversations with coworkers can quickly become tense if religion comes up—particularly in today’s divided culture. So, what’s a Christian to do in the face of unprecedented hostility toward faith in Jesus? Generous believers want to provide you answers in this month’s NCLL resource: Faith in the Workplace: Legal Guidelines for Employers and Employees!

REPOST: Vacation Bible School: Top 10 Legal Considerations for Maximizing Ministry While Minimizing Risk

Posted May. 27, 2019

Most churches reach more young people (and their parents) during vacation Bible school (VBS) than any community event of the year. People with no other connection to your church will be on your property, interacting with your VBS staff and other parents and children. Typically, hours of planning and prayer are spent in preparing programs with too little focus on security and legal liability. In our lawsuit-prone culture, you can help protect yourself with the NCLL’s ten most important recommendations. You can download this brief but substantive VBS legal guide at no cost to you. Get your complimentary guide—Vacation Bible School: Top 10 Legal Considerations for Maximizing Ministry While Minimizing Risk. No defense removes every risk, but when you address these ten considerations, you can dramatically decrease the risks of physical harm and ministry liability. Implementing these best practices also reflects well on your ministry and the cause of Christ—all while helping you operate a successful program with minimal disruptions. Enjoy your FREE VBS guide today.

Carrying a Gun in Church

Posted Apr. 29, 2019

“Gun-free zone” is one of the most controversial phrases in contemporary society. Based on the facts, what is the safest policy regarding weapons on church property? Download this month’s resource: Carrying Weapons in Church to help you create the best program for your safety team, your leadership, and your congregation.

Developing a Safety Team

Posted Mar. 1, 2019

An estimated half of American churches are unprepared for a major emergency. Causes range from wishful thinking to a perceived lack of resources. Ministries who choose wise stewardship need to build an effective safety team, and this complimentary guide will help your leaders overcome any fears and/or lack of safety knowledge. Most churches already have the core of a safety team in the congregation (current and former first-response, medical, or military personnel). Download your step-by-step resource now—to help you identify the right candidates, training, and equipment through a ministry lens. Your wise stewardship today will help protect your congregation tomorrow.

Liability Insurance & Your Safety Program

Posted Feb. 4, 2019

The aftermath of an emergency involving your church can be challenging. Liability and legal issues can be tricky to navigate. Download your complimentary resource to establish the proper infrastructure to deal with moral, fiscal, and legal implications before and after a crisis. . . starting today.

Active Shooter Response Plan

Posted Jan. 7, 2019

It's a terrifying scenario: you’re in the middle of a worship service and shots ring out. Developing a specific active-shooter response plan is becoming increasingly necessary in our day and age. Download your complimentary resource to start walking through the key steps to protecting your flock—including how to address local laws and internal concerns . . . starting today.

Putting Together a Safety Plan

Posted Dec. 3, 2018

If a crisis unfolded in your church today, would you be prepared? If you don’t have a plan to address safety and biblical hospitality, this is the simplest way to start. Download your free NCLL security resource Putting Together a Safety Plan. It provides you a foundation for the Church Security and Safety Training Series.

Sunday Morning: What do you look for?

Posted Nov. 5, 2018

Make your church safer on Sunday mornings. Download your free guide on what to look for during the holidays. As Christmas approaches, you’ll probably notice visitors. Your congregants also experience greater stress this time of year. Here’s a wonderful opportunity to share the light of Christ . . . and exercise wisdom. “If you knew what I know about terrorism, you’d never leave your house.” – Gen. John Kelly This busy holiday season, protect your visitors, congregants, and team. Download your free NCLL security resource Sunday Morning: What Do You Look For?

Estate Planning Part 2 (Health Care Planning Documents)

Posted Oct. 1, 2018

Planning ahead about medical decisions while you’re still healthy helps bring peace and confidence to your loved ones. As Christians, we need not fear the future. Instead, we should care for family or friends who may have to speak for us if we’re incapacitated. This complimentary tool reviews the legal and spiritual implications of estate planning—an invaluable gift to the people who love you and want YOUR best in difficult situations. As laws and technology change, making key health care and end-of-life decisions beforehand can take some of the uncertainty out of an inevitably difficult time. Download your easy-to-understand guide explaining important differences between a living will and a health care power of attorney (POA). Consider: If you are medically incapacitated and unable to speak for yourself, have you given the people closest to you the legal power to carry out your wishes—even if it contradicts the advice of a particular medical provider or family member? Please protect yourself, and your loved ones, by downloading your complimentary NCLL End-of-Life Planning Information Guide today!

Estate Planning Part 1 (PROBATE, WILLS, AND TRUSTS)

Posted Sep. 3, 2018

Who will decide what happens to your loved ones and assets tomorrow—if something were to happen to you today? Will it be you or the state? “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” (Philippians 1:21). As Christians, we should fear nothing, for neither death nor life will separate us from the love of God, in Christ Jesus. We have complete freedom to boldly face right now the challenges our loved ones will face when we’re gone. If you’ are a good steward of these decisions, it will bless those you care about most. Your legacy of care will be a gift to those you love—a powerful testament to your trust in God’s promises. The National Center for Life and Liberty developed this framework to help YOU decide the future of your loved ones and assets. In today’s complex legal environment, every adult should plan ahead—and this FREE, simple-to-understand resource, Estate Planning Guide: Part 1 (Probate, Wills, and Trusts), gives you the core information you need to get started. Part 2 will be available next month at no charge. Please act today on behalf of your loved ones. Download your complimentary copy of Estate Planning Guide: Part 1, now. You’ll never regret this step of love and wisdom.

NCLL Tax Exemption Information Guide

Posted Aug. 6, 2018

Your church and other nonprofit ministries you may support currently enjoy tax-exempt status in the United States. However, certain powerful individuals and groups are trying to undermine the financial viability of biblically faithful churches and other ministries.

Benefits of a Ministry Staff Handbook

Posted Jul. 2, 2018

Benefits of a Ministry Staff Handbook: A Comprehensive List of Topics That Should Be Covered in a Ministry Staff Handbook

Preparing for the Unthinkable

Posted Jun. 4, 2018

When the Unthinkable Happens: Responding to Child Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation

Vacation Bible School: Top 10 Legal Considerations for Maximizing Ministry while Minimizing Risk

Posted May. 1, 2018

Most churches reach more young people (and their parents) during vacation Bible school (VBS) than any community event of the year. People with no other connection to your church will be on your property, interacting with your VBS staff and other parents and children. Countless hours of planning and prayer are typically spent in preparation for VBS activities, but steps to minimize legal liability are often given too little focus. In our lawsuit-prone culture, the NCLL has prepared the ten most important recommendations in a brief, but substantive VBS legal guide available at no cost to you. Download your complimentary guide—Vacation Bible School: Top 10 Legal Considerations for Maximizing Ministry while Minimizing Risk. While no defense removes every risk, addressing these 10 considerations can dramatically decrease the risks of physical harm and ministry liability. Implementing these best-practices also reflect well on your ministry and the cause of Christ—all while helping you operate a successful program with minimal operational distractions.

Plagiarism & Copyright in Ministry: The Proper Use of the Original Works of Others

Posted Apr. 1, 2018

“Thou shalt not steal” seems straightforward, but copyright and plagiarism can be confusing—and expensive—for your ministry. As Christians, we want to meet more than the minimums when it comes to respecting intellectual property.


Posted Feb. 1, 2018

Every organization needs a well-developed document and record-keeping system to operate smoothly. Ministries often neglect this critical asset, but done well, it can pay for itself.

Church Legal-Health Checklist

Posted Jan. 1, 2018

Start your new year with confidence and wisdom! Every church experiences a unique level of risk related to safety, security, and liability. Identifying potential areas of concern BEFORE they become problems helps protect staff and leadership, congregants, and assets-especially as activists increasingly target churches. You can instantly download this practical (and FREE) checklist prepared by the National Center for Life and Liberty (NCLL) as our New Year's gift to you. This resource of the month addresses eight critical areas of potential vulnerability for your church Your new checklist covers specific issues your church may need to address within each key area of concern, such as developing a clearly stated employee "code of conduct" within the "Adopting Biblical Marriage and Sexuality Provisions and Policies" section. The NCLL is here to assist you and other like-minded churches to focus on maximum ministry with minimum liability. Download your legal-health checklist today!