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Thank you for your fervent prayers. After people of faith persevered against its many free-speech restrictions, AB 2943 did NOT become law.

We thank the Lord that on August 31, the last day for the California Assembly to act on legislation, Assemblyman Evan Low withdrew his “stay gay” bill from consideration.

We remain concerned and vigilant, however. In his public statement withdrawing the unconstitutional measure, the author indicated his continued opposition to “the fraudulent practice of conversion therapy” and a desire to advance similar legislation but with support from the faith community.

Noting his process of “traveling up and down the state meeting with a wide variety of faith leaders,” Assemblyman Low indicated, “The best policy is not made in a vacuum, and in order to advance the strongest piece of legislation, the bill requires additional time to allow for an inclusive process not hampered by legislative deadlines.”

We are grateful for the reprieve and continue to trust in the Lord as we boldly advance the Gospel by equipping the church and defending life and liberty—in the courts of both law and public opinion.

“It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:22-23).