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Next Week: Halloween 175m vs. Church 50m

You’ve seen stories about the state of Christianity in our country. This October 31, an estimated 175 million Americans plan on celebrating Halloween (70% of the adult population). By contrast, 40% of adults self-report attending church on any given Sunday. And studies show ACTUAL attendance closer to 20% over a typical weekend. Realistically, only 50 million Americans will worship together on October 28.

Your Country Needs You

Our culture increasingly celebrates worship of “self” while aggressively and overtly undermining the worship of Christ. Churches who faithfully preach the Word of God need protection in the face of legal, legislative, and regulatory harassment. Christians in the workplace (especially government institutions) continue to be muzzled and marginalized. You can help improve both situations.

Your prayers and partnership with the National Center for Life and Liberty strengthen churches at their core. You help pastors, staff, and leaders focus more efforts on spreading the Gospel and less on worrying about expensive lawsuits and government coercion.

This Sunday, please pray for your fellow Americans. Jesus said of the last days, “And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved” (Matthew 24:12-13). Thank you for your efforts to bring the light of Christ to a culture increasingly enchanted with the darkness.