Protect Your Church with Our Legal Health Check-Up Series Learn More


- JOHN ADAMS, JUNE 21, 1776

You and I have the opportunity to strengthen the foundations of our country.

Americans desperately long for the strength of the Church. Even as powerful individuals and interests mislead millions, loudly attacking Christians as being “hateful,” “bigoted,” or “backward,” God’s Truth is written on their hearts.

For many, considering legal documents, tax filings, and corporate guidelines as means to advance the Gospel might be a new idea. But in fact, in today’s world, they’re core to churches’ ability to fulfill their mission.

Without the proper bylaws, employment agreements, and other important documentation in place, churches will remain vulnerable to Satan’s schemes through legal attacks and administrative diversions.

The right tools, however, will allow the body of Christ to focus more time, money, and energy on ministry.

For example, one of our prayer requests this month focuses on the behavior of a disruptive attendee at a church in the Southeast and how to engage him appropriately.

The church wants to share the truth with him, even as he struggles with his sexuality. “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17). As leaders confront this troubled man regarding his behavior, they are equipped with counsel from the NCLL.

The cost of lawsuits can add up quickly and not just in terms of dollars. The emotional and human resource expenses can be overwhelming.

That’s why the NCLL is offering our Premier Partners a special set of ministry materials (DVDs and booklets) to help protect their church.

Premier Partners who already have the benefits of membership can access this set at an introductory rate of $30, saving 70% on the normal member rate. Non-partners should contact us at (888) 233-6255 about how to become a Premier Partner today and get this helpful legal resource (which has a standalone value of over $500).

This content, researched and compiled in an easy-to-access bundle, will help your church prevent exposure to hostile activist lawsuits, incomplete internal policies and procedures, and inadequate documentation.

Get this ministry tool and help your church maximize ministry and minimize liability—all to the glory of God and the good of His people.

Maximum Ministry. Minimum Liability.


  • Pray for a church in the Southeast where a homosexual has started attending. The church is fine with him attending and hearing the Gospel, but recently his conduct has become disruptive with him asking men out on dates and placing himself on the platform during choir performances. The church wants him to attend and grow in faith, but the church leadership is confronting him over his disruptive behavior. The NCLL stands with churches across America as they minister in these increasingly confusing moral times. If this man were to sue the church, the NCLL would defend it in court and protect it’s rights to operate in a safe manner consistent with it’s beliefs.

  • Pray for medical practitioners, religious counselors, and health care advocates nationwide as they face a wide range of challenges to their First Amendment rights to serve those who come to them and not have government boards dictate how they must practice their sincerely held religious faith as they minister.

  • Please pray for several children’s homes in the Southeast and West that have been challenged by state or local officials. Our legal team is assisting these children’s homes to navigate these disputes. The NCLL is committed to standing with churches and ministries so they can meet the needs to which God has called them.

  • Pray for a mother of a disabled son who was taken advantage of by corporate interests. The NCLL is honored to seek justice on behalf of the disabled and stands alongside parents to level the playing field in David versus Goliath cases.

  • Keep praying for a ministry that has been falsely labeled as a hate group by a law center because they hold traditional Christian values and beliefs.

  • Please also pray for a law enforcement officer who has been discriminated against on the basis of his Christian faith and morals.

Thank you again for your prayerful partnership in defending life and liberty!

March 2018 Ministry Update
May 2018 Ministry Update