Screening Workers: Key Steps to Safeguard Children in Ministry

Posted September 4, 2024

Ministries and churches hold a critical responsibility to protect children under their care. One of the most effective ways to prevent child abuse is by ensuring that those who work with children are properly vetted.

Statement of Faith Position on Marriage & Sexuality

Posted August 30, 2024

In a cultural climate where biblical values are increasingly challenged, it is vital for churches and ministries to proactively address issues surrounding marriage and sexuality.

Guidelines for Political Process Engagement

Posted August 21, 2024

In the realm of political engagement, churches hold a unique position where they must balance their freedom of expression with the legal restrictions tied to their tax-exempt status.

Protecting Ministry Assets

Posted August 15, 2024

Imagine arriving at church one Sunday morning only to discover that your sanctuary has been burglarized. What would you do?

Financial Integrity

Posted August 5, 2024

Money is an inevitable aspect every ministry must navigate. When managed well, it can unify believers around a common mission.

Critical Ministry Documents

Posted July 26, 2024

There is no foolproof strategy for avoiding a lawsuit against your ministry. Churches and their associated ministries are often targeted for various reasons.

Addressing Copyright and Plagiarism in Church Ministries

Posted July 12, 2024

In recent years, the issue of pastoral plagiarism and copyright violations has come under the spotlight due to widespread media coverage.

Church Emergency Response Preparedness

Posted July 8, 2024

Operating a church involves much more than Sunday services. It requires constant vigilance and preparedness to ensure the safety and security of the congregation and property.

Church Position on Biblical Marriage & Sexuality

Posted June 19, 2024

In recent years, a sweeping transformation in anti-discrimination laws across various states and localities has significantly impacted churches and ministries.

Enhancing Child Safety in Churches and Ministries

Posted June 18, 2024

In recent times, the epidemic of child abuse, including sexual abuse, has not spared churches and Christian ministries. Recognizing this grave reality is the first step toward protecting the innocent and upholding the moral and spiritual mandate entrusted to us by Jesus Christ.