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For millions of Americans, a courtroom can be a frightening place. An accusation that could result in loss of liberty or property is an awful thing, and a court action can ruin an organization’s reputation and finances in short order.

An ever-increasing number of churches are facing this constant threat. Some have attempted to secure meeting locations in public facilities that are open to other groups, only to be told they may not meet there because of who they are. Others have seen their efforts to perform needed community services curtailed because of excessive regulation or complaints about their efforts to also present the Gospel to those they help. In some cases, there have even been attempts to regulate or stifle what is said from the pulpit. The overreach that the government and some other organizations demonstrate in these areas is incredible.

Making an honest effort to preserve your church’s testimony and stand for truth can lead to trouble. If an inappropriate request to use your church’s facilities (e.g., a same-sex wedding or meeting of an anti-biblical group) is rejected, the offended party might easily claim their rights were violated and threaten litigation. The same goes for a disgruntled member of your congregation subjected to church discipline or expulsion on biblical grounds. It seems that anyone can sue anyone else for anything in our nation today, and those who would attack God’s people will use that avenue whenever it suits them.

When the only option to protect religious liberty is to pursue relief in the courtroom, we’re prepared to do exactly that. We’re in court on a regular basis on behalf of churches so they can retain their constitutional right to worship and serve as they see fit. This legal service comes at no cost because what is at stake is too important to serve only those who can afford it—the outcome could affect us all.